(044) 204-97-79 (4корпус); (044) 204-99-37 (18 корпус)
03056, Kyiv
build. 4, r. 182, build. 18, r. 225
Mon-Fri 8:30-16:30
KPIAbitFest Open Day 09.10.2021!

KPIAbitFest Open Day 09.10.2021!

KPIAbitFest Open Day 09.10.2021!

KPIAbitFest Open Day tomorrow! The new school year has begun and we are already preparing for the 2022 admission campaign. On October 9, 2021 at KPIAbitFest we will work on the mistakes of the 2021 admission campaign, talk about the nuances and provide answers to the most common questions of entrants and their parents. You

Open Day of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnology – 27.10.2021

27.10.21 (Wednesday) will be an open day of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnology, in the format of a zoom meeting at 16:00. Meeting with faculty representatives at zoom at 16:00 at the link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78984597879?pwd=TEg0d3VLNDNjaFpkU2JaUEp4TTU0QT09 Identifier: 789 8459 7879 Code: iB18yD Join, we are waiting for your questions!

Scientific seminar

Dear teachers and students! We invite everyone to take part in a scientific seminar on “Biotechnology of antibiotic disposal”. Speakers – 3rd year students Kukuruza Eugene and Shapovalova Anastasia. The scientific seminar will take place online on September 30 (Thu) at 16:30 at http://meet.google.com/ctn-kxsh-znr.

(Українська) Сесії Європейського молодіжного парламенту у КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського

У КПІ стартувала сесія Європейського молодіжного парламенту, організована підрозділами EYP в Україні та Білорусі за підтримки Студентської ради КПІ. З програмою можна ознайомитися нижче, в коментарях.


September 10, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. at a meeting of the specialized scientific council D 26.002.28 KPI. Igor Sikorsky Darya Ihorivna Drapa’s dissertation will be defended on the topic: “Obtaining hydrogen from cellulose-containing raw materials” in the specialty 03.00.20 – biotechnology for the degree of candidate of technical sciences (address: 03056, Kyiv, 37 Peremohy Ave.,

Freshman Day 2021

Enrollment orders are ready, the formation of first-year groups has been completed and we receive many questions from you about freshman’s day and information meetings at the faculties. We have prepared an article for you (https://telegra.ph/Den-pershokursnika-2021-08-19), from which you will learn: • what is the difference between a freshman’s day and an information meeting; •