Навчальні дисципліни, які закріплені за викладачем:
Методи аналізу структури біологічно активних речовин
Електронна пошта: lolitamar@ukr.net
- Evaluating the interaction between silicon surface and microorganisms in various solvents under the influence of a static magnetic field using fractal analysis / L.V.Marynchenko, O.I. Nizhelska, A.S. Shirinyan, N.O. Gorchakova // Innov Biosyst Bioeng. – 2024. – 8, № 2. – Р. 69–84 (Scopus).
- Danylenko S, Marynchenko L, Bortnyk V, Potemska O, Nizhelska O. Use of Highly Dispersed Silica in Biotechnology of Complex Probiotic Product Based on Bifidobacteria // Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2022May6 [cited 2022Jun.27];6(1):16-24 (Scopus).
- Influence of hydrodynamic parameters on the synthesis of target metabolites and the degree of disintegration during the submerged cultivation of micromycetes / Valentyna Motronenko, Mariіa Bakalchuk, Andrii Novosad, Oksana Harmash, Lolita Marynchenko // Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences. – 2021. -11, №5, е4621 (Scopus).
- Immobilization of probiotic cultures with enterosorbents based on highly dispersed silica / Svetlana Danylenko, Irina Romanchuk, Lolita Marynchenko, Тanya Kryzhska, Olena Nizhelska, Oksana Potemska, Myroslav Khonkiv and Daria Kyseliuk // Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences. – 2021.-11, №2, е3334 (Scopus).
- Biological risks of using non-thermal non-ionizing electromagnetic fields / O. Nizhelska, L. Marynchenko, V. Piasetskyi // Innovative Biosystems and Bioengineering. – 2020. – 4, No. 2. – P. 95–109 (Scopus).
- Yeasts in sourdough: fundamental insights and their role in functional processes / Ye.R. Honchar, O.V. Naumenko, I.V. Lukianchuk, V.O. Holub, L.V.Marynchenko // Biotechnologia Acta. – 2024. – 17, N3. – P. 5-15 (Фахова Б).
- Effect of magnetic field and environmental pH on the sorption efficiency of cells of the genus Lactobacillus / Svitlana Danylenko, Marharyta Chalenko, Lolita Marynchenko, Oksana Potemska, Liudmyla Reshetniak, Kateryna Kopylova // Food resources. – 2023, № 20 – С.18-27 (Фахова Б).
- Застосування процесу термовініфікації у виробництві сухих вин типу «Резерв» / В.О.Маринченко, І.М.Бабич, Е.Щ.Османова, Л.В.Маринченко // Наукові праці НУХТ. – 2021. – 21, № 3. – С.144-152 (Фахова Б).
- Exploring the possibility of purification of water-alcohol solutions of different concentrations containing aldehydes and esters by mineral adsorbents / L. Marynchenko, V. Marynchenko, M. Hyvel // Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies – 2017, N.4/11 (88), P.10-15 ; Url – http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/index; DOI – https://dx.doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2017.108750; Наукометричні БД:Scopus
- Research of mineral adsorbents application for water-alcohol solutions purification in technology of alcoholic beverages / Lolita Marynchenko, Viktor Marynchenko, Mariana Hyvel // EUREKA: Physics and Engineering. – 2017, N.4, P.3-10 ; Url – http://eu-jr.eu/engineering; DOI – https://dx.doi.org/10.21303/2504-5695.2018.00375; Наукометричні БД:Copernik;